Contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world and responsible economical development by supporting projects within education, health and environment


We are a small family-based non-profit foundation, which was started in 2002. During these years we have carefully built up a capital base from the family's business operations and during this period have made contacts with good projects in Africa and Asia that we support financially.

We work long-term and closely with our partners and prioritize projects where we can make a difference.

We focus on areas such as: education, work, health and the environment.

In 2023, we have divided the Foundation in 2 units:

Interhands Impact Fund (IIF):

IIF will use its capital base in active program Related Investments (PRI), where the social and environmental impact targets are given the same priority as financial targets, and with the following mandate:

  • Job creation, increased incomes, and access to capital for challenged and disadvantaged populations

  • Improved wages, befits, rights and profit sharing opportunities

  • Accelerated transition to a sustainable economy and planet

Interhands Foundation Norway (IFN):

IFN will give direct financial support and grants to projects within education, health and environment in Africa and SE Asia.